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Manufacturing por Mind Map: Manufacturing

1. Economic Development

1.1. Domestic

1.1.1. Five Year Plan to maintain economic development

1.1.2. West-to-East Electricity Transmission West-to-East Gas Transmission South-to-North Water Development

1.2. International

1.2.1. Go-Global Outward foreign investment

1.3. Problems

1.3.1. Transition from middle class to upper class

1.3.2. Environmental Damage

1.3.3. High ineqality

2. Oligopoly

2.1. State-owned enterprises

2.2. Currency devaluation

2.3. Intellectual Property Theft

2.4. Domestic Favortism

3. Demand

3.1. Overall GDP down to 6.8% (2015)

3.1.1. Questions regarding reliability of information Could be worse than reported

3.1.2. Cut interest rates six times since Nov 2014 Reduced reserve requirements

3.2. Younger, more educated generation

3.2.1. International investors moving to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Thailand

4. Economic/ Political Impact

4.1. International Invesments

4.1.1. Raising wages and demand driving out foreign investment Moving toward high-value manufacturing (robots, microchips)

4.1.2. Manufacturing accounts for 36% of total GDP (2014)

4.2. State-owned Enterprises

4.2.1. "Soviet-style economy"

4.2.2. CCP own interest before market considerations

4.2.3. Move to market economy status

5. Assembly Plants

5.1. Pollution

5.1.1. 4,400 deaths per day

5.1.2. Asian Development Bank investment of USD 300 into pollution problem

5.1.3. Reason of slow economic growth of recent times?

5.2. Increase responsibility into value chain

5.2.1. Moving into design and marketing