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1776-1861 por Mind Map: 1776-1861

1. An Overview of the African-American Experience

1.1. In America, African-Americans were auctioned to owners as slaves.

1.2. In the 1890's, African-Americans started moving North for better jobs, living conditions and more freedom.

1.3. The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote

2. Notion of Manifest Destiny

2.1. The United State's idea of expanding "boundaries of freedom".

2.2. Excluded Native Americans and those of non-European origin.

3. Indian Removal

3.1. Andrew Jackson was a "Forceful proponent"(1).

3.2. Settlers wanted to use the Indian's land to raise cotton, and they believed that these Indian nations were setting them back from doing so.

3.3. White Americans actually believed that the removal of Indians would benefit the American Indians because they could settle in their own little land and not be subordinate to the Whites.

4. Emancipation Proclimation


4.2. Abraham Lincoln used his power as Commander-In-Chief to free people held as slaves, in many states.