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Hercule Poirot por Mind Map: Hercule Poirot

1. Col arbuthnat

1.1. indian guy that is retired army

1.2. likes debenham

1.3. In Military

1.4. Talked to maqueen in his compartment before his masters murder

1.5. saw man peak out of his compartment suspiciously

1.6. Connected to the Armstrong family by serving in the war with John Armstrong and was involved in the murder

2. Mrs.hubbard (Caroline Martha Hubbard) American lady

2.1. American lady

2.2. always talks of daughter

2.3. very scared of mr.rachett

2.4. Claims that the Murder of Rachett was in her room the night of the murder and found a button as evidence

2.5. She herd a woman's voice in Mr.Rachett's room before his murder

2.6. Sonia is daughter

2.7. Is the famous actress

3. MacQueen

3.1. worked for Mr.Rachett as his secratary

3.2. His uncle was the lawyer for the Armstrongs

4. Hildergarde Schmidt

4.1. Made of Princess dragomiroff

4.2. She read to her employer before she went to bed.

4.3. THe conducter that woke her up and that ran into her in the hall were two different people and infact one was a small dark man with a womans voice.

4.4. A wagon lit uniform is found in her suitcase but she claims to not have put it there and it isn't hers. A button was missing.

4.4.1. A kea was found in the pocket of the uniform which explains how this person was able to pass from compartment to compartment.

4.5. Found to be the cook of the Armstrongs and was involved in the murder.

5. Count and countess Andrenyi

5.1. The countess's name is revealed to be Helena Goldenberg and she is the younger sister of Mrs. Armstrong. She is american. Rachett murdered her baby niece(Daisy) and sister. She is the daughter of linda Arden the famous actress. But she altered the name on her passport just because she didn't want to be suspected for a crime she didn't do.

5.2. The handkerchief is not hers

5.3. Countess is the only one related to the armstrongs that didn't commit the murder on the train

6. Knife found in Mrs.Hubbards sponge bag

7. Hercule Poirot finds the Dragon dress in his own suitcase.

8. M.Bouc

8.1. Old friend of hercule poirot

8.1.1. Head of security on the train

9. German lady

9.1. She is a maid

9.2. The cook for the armstrongs

10. Princess dragomiroff (Natalia dragomiroff)

10.1. Astorcrat

10.2. Very ugly

10.3. Very rich

10.4. Best friends with Linda Arden thus involved with Armstrongs

11. Rachett

11.1. Very rich

11.2. |American

11.3. He offers poirot job because he says he is in danger.

11.4. The train stops still and he is found dead having been murdered by multiple fatal stabs. Was found to have a loaded automatic under his pillow for defence.

11.5. Began to receive threatening letters before his death.

11.6. He was a man that kept to himself and seems to have tried to escape bad people that tried to kill him in america but failed when he finally got murdered on the train.

11.7. Is later found to have been to be involved in the affair of Daisy Armstrong and his actual name is Cassetti.

11.8. Apparently a Scarlet silk kimono dress went into his compartment before his murder.

12. Mary debenham

12.1. Nanny

12.1.1. British leaving iraq to england

12.2. IS impatient and gets to the point

12.3. She saw the scarlet dress with dragons on it in the morning

12.4. "She has a task that she has undertaken" and she doesn't want to miss her "Connection" but wont tell poirot what this task is.

12.5. Was Daisy's teacher

13. Greta Ohlsson (Sheep lady/Sweetish lady)

13.1. she is a swede

13.2. She opened the door of rachett before his murder on mistake

13.3. Was the nurse in the Armstrong family

14. Dr.Constantine

14.1. greek man

14.2. Thinks that Ratchet got murdered at about 1:00 Am

15. Pierre Michel

15.1. The Wagon lit conductor that has details of the murder. He knows a lot of what happened that night before the Murder.

15.1.1. Has worked for the company for a long time and is trustworthy

15.2. Thought to be involved with murder because he is the father of the maid/french girl that threw herself out the window

16. Edward Henry Masterman

16.1. He was a valet of Rachett. Middle aged man. He had worked for him for a little under a year and didn't really trust him that much. He has details of Ratchet before his murder.

16.2. He was Mr.Armstrong's valet

17. Mr.Hardman

17.1. American who doesn't acturally sell typewriter ribbions

17.2. Is a detective in NY city for McNEILS Detective agency

17.3. He was hired by Mr. rachett to protect him.

17.4. Says the man of the murder is a small dark man with a high pitched voice.

17.5. Thought to be involved with murder because he was in love with the french maid that threw herself out the window.

18. The Italian(Antonio Foscarelli)

18.1. Talks alot

18.2. Ford car salesman

18.3. Doesn't know much about the murder

18.4. He was the armstrongs chuffer(person that drove their car)

19. Evidence of the Time:

19.1. 1: Murder past 1:15 AM

19.2. 2:The watch shows Crime was later than 1:15 Am

19.3. 3: The crime was committed earlier and the evidence above was faked

20. Susanne

20.1. French maid of the Armstrong family that threw herself out the window to kill herself.