Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physic...

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Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. por Mind Map: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

1. Kindergarten Physical Education

1.1. Big Idea: Identifying and performing the basic motor skills; walking. jogging and running.

1.1.1. Key Factors: Many students in kindergarten may be familiar with the motor skills informally but not identify with the vocabulary that goes with it. There is also the possibility of the students performing the skill incorrectly or having not knowledge of how to perform it. Scaffolding Strategies: Modeling Gestures: Modeling and gestures are a major part of PE. Modeling can be done by teacher and students who are familiar with the task that is being presented. Once a good example is given other students have a better chance of being successful after seeing how the task is supposed to be done.

1.2. Identify the movement patterns straight, curved and zigzag.

1.2.1. Key Factors: Students have little to no knowledge of movement patterns and how to use them in a physical manner. Scaffolding Strategies: Visuals and Realia: Using visuals for the class to better identify with the material is a great way to connect and help the students understand the lesson better. Tap into Prior Knowledge: By asking students if the recognize or know anything about the lesson materials can help personalize the information helping the students retain the information.

1.3. Combining and performing motor skills and movement patterns independently and collectively.

1.3.1. Key Factors: Students need to learn to perform these skills together to help improve their spacial awareness and prevent unnecessary injuries and mistakes due to collisions. Scaffolding Strategies: Show and Tell: This strategy will help the students show what they understand and tell why they understood it. It is a well know fact that the best way to learn is to teach, therefor when students show the motor skills and movement patterns they have learn and tell the class what they have done they demonstrate valuable knowledge gained. Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review: Although this is for a elementary school it is important for students to be able to pause and think about the lesson developed questions that help with their critical thinking, think about the answers or modifications that have been suggested and review all that was discussed.