grouping activity

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grouping activity por Mind Map: grouping activity

1. whole-group classes

1.1. one of the most common is to have students seated in orderly

1.2. it some classrooms students sit in groups at separate tables. separate tables ar more difficult to "teach to"

1.3. it can develop learner autonomy and promote skills

2. group work

2.1. we can put students in larger groups, too, since this allow them to do a range of tasks for which pairwork

2.2. we can give individual students in a group different lines from a poem from a poem which the group has to reassemble

2.3. in general it is possible to say that small groups of around five students provoke greater involvement and participation

3. individually

3.1. students work by their own

3.2. learned autonomy, less stressing

3.3. lack of confidence

4. pairwork

4.1. the students can pracise language

4.2. they can write dialogues, predic the content

4.3. it allows students to work and interact independently without the necesary