How could nuclear fusion benefit energy in the future?

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How could nuclear fusion benefit energy in the future? por Mind Map: How could nuclear fusion benefit energy in the future?

1. Fusion Energy will be the best future energy, if developed.

1.1. What is Nuclear Fusion

1.1.1. The energy used in the sun

1.1.2. made by 2 hydrogen atoms "fusing" at extreme temperatures

1.2. Benefits of Nuclear Fusion when compared to other types of energy sources

1.2.1. Limitless

1.2.2. Does not pollute the environment

1.2.3. When compared to Fission, there are no bad effects if something goes wrong

1.2.4. Produces massive amounts of energy

1.3. Current problems with production

1.3.1. Production of a fusion device is very expenisve

1.3.2. Counter statement: Parts for it will become cheaper when ignition is first achieved

1.3.3. Ignition requires massive temperatures to be achieved

1.3.4. Counter: With new technology, these temperatures will become slightly more achievable

1.4. Current major Projects for nuclear fusion

1.4.1. ITER in France

1.4.2. JET in Britain

1.4.3. Smaller projects all over the world