How can stop-motion animation be used to support a 3rd grade student's understanding of halves an...

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How can stop-motion animation be used to support a 3rd grade student's understanding of halves and fourths through the exploration of circles and rectangles? por Mind Map: How can stop-motion animation be used to support a 3rd grade student's understanding of halves and fourths through the exploration of circles and rectangles?

1. How can stop-motion animation be used to help students explore equivalent fractions?

2. How can stop-motion animation be used to support students knowledge of multiplication?

3. How can stop-motion animation be used to generate mathematics story problems in various topics?

4. How can stop-motion animation be used in Language Arts for students to explore sentence structure?

5. How can stop-motion animation be used to support a students understanding of setting and plot?

6. How can stop-motion animation be used to help students work collaboratively to create a story?

7. How can stop-motion animation be used for students to explore the phases of the moon?

8. How can stop-motion animation be used in small groups for students to explore and teach their peers about animal life cycles

9. How can stop-motion animation be used for students to display information about the three branches of government?

10. How can stop-motion animation be used to help students act out main events in presidents' live?