Crowd Funding Tool

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Crowd Funding Tool por Mind Map: Crowd Funding Tool

1. Submission Process

1.1. Submit Properties for review

1.2. Must be properly Vetted (single/multiple property reviewers)

1.3. Submission process status (pending review for approval etc)

1.4. Vetting Process

1.4.1. Qualified Property Reviewer Property Reviewer Validation process Requriements? Training? Personal Associations?

1.4.2. Minimum profit requirement

1.4.3. State/County Economic Concerns

1.4.4. State/County Environmental Concerns

1.4.5. State Laws

1.4.6. County Laws

1.4.7. City Laws

2. CRM

2.1. Integration into Infusionsoft

3. Funding Process

3.1. $5000 limit for unaccredited

3.2. Escrow company used to hold funds

3.3. Accredited investor submit > $5000

3.3.1. Validation of Investor Acceditation

3.4. State Laws

3.5. County Laws

3.6. City Laws

4. Disbursement of Funds

4.1. State Laws

4.2. Tax Implications

4.3. Record completed deals (tax and company history purposes)

5. Status of Deal

5.1. Images of Rehab/Rebuild Project

5.2. Funding Status (total funds still required)

5.3. Help needed by Project Manager

5.4. Current unresolved problems

5.5. Resolved problems

5.6. Labor/Personnel requirments