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1. He was born the 1 of June on 1956.

2. He work on the development of Visual Basic. Some time later also received some stock it.

3. He is an American computer programmer, best known for creating 86-DOS.

4. 86-DOS was an operating system for the Intel 8086 that emulated the API of CP/M, and which later formed the basis of MS-DOS.

5. MS-DOS was the most widely used personal computer operating system in the 1980s.

6. In 1983, Microsoft contracted Paterson to port MS-DOS to the MSX computers standard they were developing with ASCII.

7. He work with Microsoft from 1990 to 1998 on Visual Basic.

8. He leave Microsoft 3 times.

9. He study on the university of Washington.

10. Tim was hired by Microsoft in various periods of his life.

11. Now days he has a hardware company named Paterson Tech.

12. He designed the hardware of Microsoft's Z-80 SoftCard which had a Z80 CPU and ran the CP/M operating system on an Apple II.

13. He have made several appearances on the Comedy Central television program Battlebots.