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AT Abandonment por Mind Map: AT Abandonment

1. change in needs/priorities (Phillips & Zhao, 1993)

2. Client Factors/Attitudes

2.1. Personal characteristics and temperament towards AT us (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

2.2. Client's mood (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

2.3. client's quality of life (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

2.4. Client's motivation for AT use (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

2.5. user attitude and beliefs towards AT before use (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

2.6. Lack of consumer involvement (Reimer-Reiss & Wacker, 2000)

2.7. Client's self-determination/self-esteem (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

3. Device

3.1. 29.3% of devices abandoned (Phillips & Zhao, 1993)

3.2. poor device performance (Phillips & Zhao, 1993)

3.3. ease of obtaining the device (Phillips & Zhao, 1993)

3.4. Technology effectiveness, reliability, ease of use, comfort, enhancement of user's performance (Reimer-Reiss & Wacker, 2000)

4. Clinician

4.1. Client's program/therapist reliance (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

4.2. professionals link user to AT options (Scherer, Sax, Vanbierviet, Cushman, & Scherer, 2005)

4.3. lack of consideration of user opinion (Phillips & Zhao, 1993)

5. Supporting Network