How did Zena El-Khalil's character develop while she was living in New York during and after 9/11?

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How did Zena El-Khalil's character develop while she was living in New York during and after 9/11? por Mind Map: How did Zena El-Khalil's character develop while she was living in New York during and after 9/11?

1. Was living in New York before 9/11

1.1. Studying at University

1.1.1. Did she have any close friends?

1.1.2. Did her friends remain in contact with her afterwards?

1.2. For how long was she living in New York before 9/11

1.3. Was not very comfortable at first but began loving New York

1.3.1. Had a few friends but missed Lebanon until she met her Lebanese BF Introduced her to Arab communities and areas in NY

2. After 9/11

2.1. Was crying for days

2.2. People asking her why they did it

2.2.1. Made her miss Beirut

2.2.2. Made her feel trapped Probably why she came back to Beirut Did she leave Lebanon after she came back?

2.3. People asking where she was when it happened

2.3.1. Probably made her feel unsafe in NY, closing her up and limiting her to Lebanon

3. Was in NY when 9/11 happened

3.1. BF was at ground zero, helping save people

3.1.1. People demanded answers from him (where he was, if he was actually helping, etc.)

3.2. Where was Zena when it happened

3.2.1. If she was hiding then 9/11 might have possibly instilled a fear that has lasted for years