History of the English Language

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History of the English Language por Mind Map: History of the English Language

1. Module 1. Old English Period

1.1. Lecture 1. Linguistic Features of Germanic Languages. OE Phonology and Morphology.

1.2. Practical class 1. Anglo-Saxon England. The Sound Changes.

1.3. Practical class 2. Morphology OE Nouns.

1.4. Practical class 3. Morphology OE Verbs.

1.5. Self-study 1.

1.6. Module test 1. OE Period.

2. Module 2. Middle English

2.1. Lecture 2. Main historical events of the ME period. ME Phonology and Morphology.

2.2. Practical class 4. Middle English Period Phonology.

2.3. Practical class 5. ME Morphology .

2.4. Self-study 2.

2.5. Module test 2. ME Period..

3. Module 3. New English Period.

3.1. Practical class 6. Early Modern English. ENE Phonological System.

3.2. Self-study 3..

3.3. Module test 3. NE Period..