Theodore Finch

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Theodore Finch por Mind Map: Theodore Finch

1. He Likes.

1.1. Violet Markey

1.2. Quotes of Infamous Authors

1.3. His friends

1.4. Fantasizing about Death

2. He Dislikes

2.1. His bullies

2.2. His absent mom

2.3. 1980's Finch

2.4. His abusive dad

3. Terra Cooper

3.1. Family problems

3.2. Dad issues

3.3. The idea of being Stuck.

4. Margo Roth Spiegleman

4.1. They both like the aspect of exploration

4.2. Adventure

4.3. Quentin + Violet

4.4. "The state of Freedom."

5. Auggie Pullman

5.1. They were both bullied

5.2. *Julian + Amelia Monk, Gabe Romero, + that gang.

6. June

6.1. Relationship problems

6.2. *Wes + Violet

6.3. The idea of being stuck.

7. Ivan the Gorilla

7.1. They both try to escape

7.2. *Captivity; held captive

7.3. People helped; could've saved Finch