Research Proposal Fair trade: From a Consumption Choice Attitude to Buying Behavior

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Research Proposal Fair trade: From a Consumption Choice Attitude to Buying Behavior por Mind Map: Research Proposal  Fair trade: From a Consumption Choice Attitude to Buying Behavior

1. Literature Review

1.1. Abeliotis, K., Koniari, C., & Sardianou, E. (2010).

1.2. Adams, M., & Raisborough, J. (2010).

1.3. Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980).

1.4. Connolly, J., & Prothero, A. (2003).

1.5. Connolly, J., & Shaw, D. (2006).

1.6. De Pelsmacker, P., Janssens, W., & Mielants, C. (2005).

1.7. Dickson, M. A. (2000).

1.8. Doran, C. J. (2009).

1.9. Finisterra do Paço, A. M., Raposo, M. L., & Filho, W. L. (2009).

1.10. Fitzmaurice, J. (2005).

1.11. Joergens, C. (2006).

1.12. Kim, G.-S., Lee, G. Y., & Park, K. (2010).

1.13. Low, W., & Davenport, E. (2006).

1.14. Mohan, S. (2009 December).

1.15. Morrel & Jayawardhena (2010).

1.16. Naidoo, I. (2008).

1.17. Nicholls, A., & Lee, N. (2006).

1.18. Shen, D., Dickson, M. A., Lennon, S., Montalto, C., & Zhang, L. (2005).

1.19. Vantomme, D., Geuens, M., DeHouwer, J., & DePelsmacker, P. (2006).

1.20. Walton, A. (2010).

2. Theory of Reasoned Action

2.1. Revised

2.1.1. Personal Values Model The Conceptual Model

2.1.2. Subjective Norm

2.1.3. Attitude towards Behavior

2.1.4. Intention

2.1.5. Eagerness

3. New node

4. Fair Trade



5. Method

5.1. Quantitative Approach

5.1.1. Survey

6. Relationships

6.1. Personal values will have a strong relationship to fair trade as a buying behavior

6.2. Personal values will be a key determinant in the transition to FT as buying behavior

6.3. Subjective Norm will also have a strong positive relationship with fair trade buying behavior

6.4. Attitude towards the behavior will also depict a positive relationship

6.5. Eagerness will determine the extent of buying behavior

7. Importance of the Study

7.1. Understanding consumers' wants

7.2. Fair trade apparel sector will benefit

7.3. Add to knowledge base on the fair trade buying behavior of consumers