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KCWA por Mind Map: KCWA

1. Vision: "Barrier-Free Integration into Canada"

2. Mission:  “Building the Korean-Canadian community, one person at a time "

2.1. "Empower all members of the community to live free from violence, poverty and inequity."

2.2. "Provide culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate services and programs."

2.3. "Enhance the well being of immigrant families and promote their efforts to realize their potential."

2.4. Inclusiveness "We value individuals as they are and seek to create an inclusive environment for all."

2.5. Excellence "We strive to provide high quality services that effectively meet the needs of our clients."

2.6. Integrity "We are committed to transparency, accountability, honesty, and professionalism in our actions."

2.7. Respect "We promote the dignity of all persons, recognizing the inherent worth of each individual."

2.8. Collaboration "We encourage teamwork and partnerships, both within the KCWA and beyond. KCWA, as a non-profit organization, serves women, men, senior and youth all of them."

3. School Services

3.1. ESL Classes

3.1.1. Administered by Ontario government and the municipal government depending on geographical Location.  A small fee is required.

3.2. LINC  (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada)

3.2.1. A no-fee program supported by the Federal Government for English language newcomers. Assessment will be required at a LINC center for level placement.

4. HISTORY KCWA Family and Social Services is a non-profit organization established in 1985 by a group of women who were concerned with women and family issues and serves women, men, senior and youth all of them.