Telecommunications networks

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Telecommunications networks por Mind Map: Telecommunications networks

1. Types of TN

1.1. LAN

1.2. WAN

1.3. MAN

1.4. CAN

1.5. VPN

2. Topologies

2.1. Ring

2.2. Star

2.3. Tree

2.4. Buss

2.5. Line

2.6. Fully Connected

3. Components of TN

3.1. Terminals

3.2. Telecommunications processors

3.3. Telecommunications channels

3.4. Computers

3.5. Telecommunications control software

4. Examples

4.1. Computer Networks

4.2. The Internet

4.3. The telephone network

4.3.1. Fixed line network (Public switched telephone network - PSTN)

4.3.2. Wireless network

4.3.3. Public network

4.4. The global Telex network