Opportunities and Threats in the GBR

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Opportunities and Threats in the GBR por Mind Map: Opportunities and Threats in the GBR

1. Opportunities

1.1. People can dive there and look at the species

1.2. Scientists/researchers can find out information about the fish

2. Threats

2.1. Coral bleaching

2.1.1. 35% coral is dead or dying 33% is protected

2.2. Climate change

2.2.1. Global warming

3. Location

3.1. Coast of Queensland

3.2. Southern Hemisphere

3.3. North- East Australia

3.4. Latitude- 16.4473 S

4. Important

4.1. Home for all the living species

4.1.1. 10% of fish species live here

4.2. corals create homes for the fish

4.3. One of the largest ecosystems on the planet

4.4. one quarter of the world marine species rely on it

4.5. 1500 species of fish

4.6. creates $6bn Australian annually

4.7. one third of the world's soft coral lives in the GBR

4.8. 5000 species of molluscs

4.9. 411 types of hard coral

4.10. 134 species of sharks and rays

4.11. 30 species of marine mammals

4.12. 500'000 years old

4.13. 33% is protected