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Character por Mind Map: Character

1. Attack

1.1. Jumping on enermy

1.2. weapon at different level

1.2.1. vacuum cleaner suck in enemies and turn into coins

2. movement

2.1. jumping

2.2. Walking

2.2.1. clouds of dust appear when braking

3. clothing

3.1. different clothing at different level

3.2. light and bright colour clothing

4. When attacked

4.1. character starts flashing

4.1.1. a short period vulnerable

4.2. death

4.2.1. death animation

4.3. facial expression changed

4.4. flies away from enermy

5. expression

5.1. Happy

5.1.1. walking

5.2. shock

5.2.1. attacked

5.2.2. dying