Iphones vs Androids

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Iphones vs Androids por Mind Map: Iphones vs Androids

1. Development of products

1.1. Google

1.2. Apple Inc.

1.3. Samsung

1.4. Sony

2. Types of phones

2.1. Samsung Galaxy

2.2. Samsung Galaxy Edge

2.3. 6,6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus

2.4. SE

2.5. HTC

3. Specificatons

3.1. Intel Processors

3.2. 64 bit plaforms

3.3. fingerprint sensor

3.4. Autofocus Camera

3.5. Force Touch

3.6. Face Detection

3.7. Voice Command

4. Uses

4.1. Removable Storage

4.2. Faster LTE Network

4.3. 1080p Camera

4.4. Reliable Cellular Signal

4.5. 4K video

4.6. Efficient Text Messaging

5. Service Providers

5.1. AT@T

5.2. Sprint

5.3. Metro PCS

5.4. T-Mobile

5.5. Verizon