My definition of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

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My definition of teaching and learning in the 21st century. por Mind Map: My definition of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

1. Technology

1.1. Learning new technology so to best use  it in the classroom

2. Collaboration

2.1. Parents, students and teachers

3. Communication

3.1. Parents to students

3.2. Parents to teachers

3.3. Teachers to students

3.4. Teacher to parents

3.5. Students to teachers

3.6. Students to parents

4. Students

4.1. Major user of technology

4.1.1. Technology could be a distraction in classroom to a student

4.2. Learner

4.3. Teacher

5. Teachers

5.1. Learning new skills to to handle new situations with in the classroom

5.2. Learning the best way to use technology so that technology does not distract students in the classroom

5.3. Life time learner

6. Parents

6.1. Active involvement in students life

6.2. Active involvement in school life