MML #2 - Interactive Presentation

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MML #2 - Interactive Presentation por Mind Map: MML #2 - Interactive Presentation

1. Content - Information on the different groups that animals are categorized into and their characteristics

1.1. pre-test (see if they can sort the animals into categories

1.2. table of contents (to go to differerent animal groups)

1.3. video sharing some information, after each video students must write down some of the characteristics of each animal group to see if they remember the information/check all that apply (switch between the two testing formats)

1.4. take the quiz again at the end  (see how they have improved) *include some additional animals (tricks) *sorting into groups provided (just learned)

2. Multimedia Design

2.1. Multimedia Principle: Words AND text included

2.2. Modality Principle: Students are learning using a different medium than they are used to

2.3. Signalling Principle: To explain and highlight what is expected of students during the activities

2.4. Segmenting Principle: Learning is segmented and is bookended with assessment of understanding

3. Learning Design

3.1. Self Explanation Principle:

3.2. Feedback Principle:

4. Design

4.1. Message

4.2. Visual