Functional Language Analysis

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Functional Language Analysis por Mind Map: Functional Language Analysis

1. Experiential

1.1. What the text is about

1.2. Processes in verbs

1.3. Participants in nouns

1.3.1. Circumstances in prepositions/adverbs Conjunctions links clauses

2. Definition: how language is constructed in particular language choices

2.1. describes the linguistic features of texts in different subjects

2.2. shows how the features enables the text to mean what it does

3. Textual

3.1. How a text is organized as a coherent message

3.2. organize how each clause constructs textual meaning

3.2.1. Theme/Rheme

3.3. departs and moves to present something new

4. Interpersonal

4.1. The interaction, interpretation, attitudes and judgments in texts

4.2. Mood systems= make statements, ask questions, issue commands

4.3. Modality systems=express relations to possibility,usuality, obligation, and inclination