The Higher Education of Prisoners. Despite the know benefits of educating our prisoners, garnerin...

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The Higher Education of Prisoners. Despite the know benefits of educating our prisoners, garnering support for the funding of prisoner education is not an easy task, especially for what may be considered a non-essential or luxury programme, such as tertiary education for prisoners. Should the government allocate further funding towards the higher education of prisoners? por Mind Map: The Higher Education of Prisoners. Despite the know benefits of educating our prisoners, garnering support for the funding of prisoner education is not an easy task, especially for what may be considered a non-essential or luxury programme, such as tertiary education for prisoners. Should the government allocate further funding towards the higher education of prisoners?

1. Need to find those groups who are opposed.

2. Co$t

2.1. Government Funds

2.1.1. Taxpayers

2.2. Vs Returns

2.2.1. Stats Compare Cost Vs Recidivism Recidivism Vs no Reoffending Post Employability Study

3. Tertiary education for prisoners

3.1. What is available to study?

3.2. Opinion

3.2.1. Government parties, Specialists, Civil Lib, Tax payer, Etc.

3.2.2. Education Vs Punishment

4. Cons

4.1. Expensive

4.1.1. To implement

4.1.2. To research and develop Farley & Doyle(2014)

4.2. No direct access to the internet

4.2.1. Mostly onsite network Farley & Doyle(2014)

4.2.2. Hopkins(2015)

4.3. Device Connectability

4.3.1. No SD cards / Removable storage, or batteries. Farley & Doyle(2014)

4.4. Challenging

4.4.1. To Implement. Security Farley & Doyle(2014)

4.4.2. Unreliable Access to Information Tech Hopkins(2015)

4.5. Vocational Education

4.5.1. Seen as more important Bahn, S. (2011).

4.6. Payed Work

4.6.1. Payed prison work is more attractive than Education Bahn, S. (2011).

4.7. No Allowance $

4.7.1. Bahn, S. (2011).

4.8. Community

4.8.1. Opinion Public Ignorance Bahn, S (2011) "Society's Monsters" Stigma Hopkins(2015) "principle of least eligibility," L.L, Hall (2015) p.6

5. Known Benefits

5.1. Savings in reincarnation costs

5.1.1. Davis, Lois M., Steele, Jennifer L., and Bozick, Robert. How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here? The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation. Santa Monica, US: Rand, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 23 July 2016.

5.2. Post-release employment. Broader future   employment possibilities.

5.2.1. Rand

5.3. Smaller chance Of Recidivism (the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend)

5.3.1. Rand

5.4. Reading and Math Literacy

5.4.1. Rand

6. Know Problems

6.1. Hard to get Support/Funding

6.1.1. Said Who?...Data

6.2. Stigma, Employability

6.3. Non-essential Luxury programme

6.3.1. Who is saying this?

7. Pros

7.1. Reduces Recidivism

7.1.1. Farley & Doyle(2014); Hopkins(2015)

7.1.2. Significantly, almost 50% R.H. Kim, & D. Clark, (2013) pp201-202

7.2. Increases self esteem, Drive and determination

7.3. Critical thinking and Reflection skills

7.3.1. Hopkins(2015) p.53

7.4. Crime to Academia

7.5. Increases Intellect.

7.5.1. Math and reading literacy Rand(2014)

7.6. Community

7.6.1. Reduced Crime

7.7. Saving in overall prison costs

7.7.1. Rand(2014)

7.8. Increases Employability

7.8.1. Rand(2014)

7.9. Skills for todays needs