The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the unknown health impl...

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The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the unknown health implications for humans. With the world becoming rapidly overpopulated, is it still possible for human kind to be so choosey on food related matters if it is to feed its citizens? por Mind Map: The argument against genetically modified crops is generally based around the unknown health implications for humans. With the world becoming rapidly overpopulated, is it still possible for human kind to be so choosey on food related matters if it is to feed its citizens?

1. Supply and Demand

1.1. If there are more humans in the world that require this food , than what the earth can naturally produce, the only other valid alternative would be to limit the number of humans consuming the limited resources

1.2. If GMO foods are going to provide better nutritional value with less waste, to starving families all around the world, is that not better than allowing them to starve?

2. Social Media

2.1. Are people really getting the right information from Social Media in relation to GMOs?

3. Benefits

3.1. Less damage to natural wildlife via artificial growing of food

3.2. Better quality food with faster production times

3.3. More food content for ever expanding planet

3.4. Cost effective combat to World Hunger

4. Detriments

4.1. Possibility of Health Issues (Yet to be proven)

4.2. Possibility of Economical price fixing by larger companies

5. Health

5.1. Is it really unsafe for humans? Since the dangers are unknown, is it valid to say that it is Dangerous?

6. Social Conflicts

6.1. Is the global view on GMO Foods related to Social Media hysteria and social norms, or on valid facts about the foods?

7. Naturalisation

7.1. Fruit specifically has genetically modified itself over the years to survive climate change and other factors, are we simply not enhancing it's resistance to such forces?