Higher Education for Prisoners

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Higher Education for Prisoners por Mind Map: Higher Education for Prisoners

1. Disadvantages/ Obstacles

1.1. Educated or not, prisoners may still face difficulties in the community and workforce due to the stigma

1.2. Should prisoners receive benefits when they are incarcerated to be punished, is it a luxury?

1.3. Not cost effective

1.4. Will the community support this idea, given the benefits?

1.5. Limitations and eligibility - Would the program be available to every prisoner, only well behaved, only within certain ages? to ensure viability

1.6. Will it lower the prisoner rate?

2. Support

2.1. What education is available

2.1.1. Types and levels of education

2.1.2. Education specific to essential, or basic life skills

2.1.3. Is tertiary level education necessary?

2.2. Employers

2.2.1. Will an educated ex-prisoner have a better chance of being employed from an employers perspective?

2.2.2. Will employers be supportive?

2.2.3. Will employers receive an incentive from the govt to hire ex- educated prisoners?

2.3. Prisoners

2.3.1. Are the prisoners interested

2.4. Community

2.4.1. How does the general population feel about this program

3. Statistics

3.1. Current education programs in prisons

3.1.1. Success rates

3.2. Unemployment rate of ex-prisoners

3.3. Re-offender rate

3.4. Rate of prisoners who are educated

3.5. Average prison sentance

4. Benefits

4.1. Keeps prisoners occupied whilst incarcerated

4.1.1. Better mental health

4.1.2. Less aggression, safer prison environment

4.2. Prepares the prisoner for integration back into the community

4.2.1. More skilled increasing chances of employment

4.3. Less chance of reoffending

4.3.1. Less crime, safer communities

4.3.2. Less reoffenders = less inmates  = cost saving

4.4. Gives prisoners a purpose and motivation/ambition

5. Costs

5.1. Is it cost effective

5.1.1. If/How can it be made cost effective?

5.2. How much will it cost per inmate

5.3. How much does it cost to house an inmate without education benefits

5.4. Resources needed

6. Funding

6.1. Who will fund

6.1.1. Government Tax payers?

6.1.2. Volunteering programs

6.1.3. Programs to give back to community/ raise revenue for education

6.2. Amount of funding currently recieved