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TEXT por Mind Map: TEXT

1. Font Terminology

1.1. Baseline

1.1.1. the line on which the bases of characters are arranged

1.2. Cap height

1.2.1. cap height refers to the height of a capital letter

1.3. X-height

1.3.1. the distance between the baseline and the top of a lower-case letter x

1.4. Ascenders / Descenders

1.4.1. stroke that rise above the x-height / drop below the baseline

1.5. Kerning

1.5.1. adjustment of space between certain pairs of letters to make them look more uniform

1.6. Tracking

1.6.1. adjustment of space for groups of letters

2. Serif versus San Serif

2.1. Serif

2.1.1. the little decoration at the end of a letter stroke

2.1.2. used for printed media or documents that have large quantities of text

2.2. San Serif

2.2.1. do not have decoration at the end of a letter stroke

2.2.2. are used for headlines and bold statements. It is considered better for computer displays

3. Cases

3.1. A capitalized letter is referred to as uppercase, while a small letter is referred to as lowercase

3.2. an uppercase letter in middle of a word is referred as an intercap or CamelCase

4. Text Elements

4.1. Menus for navigation

4.1.1. through content using a menu

4.1.2. consists of a text list of topic

4.2. Interactive buttons

4.2.1. clickable object that executes a command when activated

4.3. Fields for reading

4.3.1. read a hard copy is easier and faster than reading from the computer screen

4.4. HTML documents

4.4.1. all documents are marked using tags

4.4.2. stand for Hypertext Markup Language

4.5. Symbols and icons

4.5.1. concentrated text in the form of stand-alone graphic constructs

5. Choosing text fonts

5.1. avoid too many faces

5.2. use color purposefully

5.3. use anti-aliased text

5.4. use white space

5.5. minimize centered text

6. Font Wars

6.1. Bitmaps

6.1.1. consists of a matrix of dots or pixels

6.2. Vector

7. Multimedia and Hypertext

7.1. Hypertext

7.1.1. the organized cross-linking of words,images,and other web elements

7.2. Hypermedia

7.2.1. not constained to be text-based

8. obviously the simplest of data types and requires the least amount of storage.

9. Font and typefaces

9.1. Typeface

9.1.1. a family of graphic characters,often with many type sizes and styles

9.1.2. Eg: Bookman Old Style

9.2. Font

9.2.1. a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family

9.2.2. Eg: Arial 18 point Bold