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TheJobWork por Mind Map: TheJobWork

1. Contact us

1.1. Request a demo

2. Company/About

2.1. The team

3. Social Media

3.1. Facebook

3.2. Twitter

3.3. Google+

3.4. LinkedIn

4. Testimonials

5. Nexts steps (Call to action)

5.1. Buy now

5.1.1. how does it work to get TJW?

5.2. Request a demo

5.3. Request a call back

6. Pricing

6.1. Editions

7. Startpage

7.1. Slider

8. TheJobWork

8.1. general features

8.2. TJW in action

8.3. what can people do with this plattform

9. Benefits

9.1. List with benefits

9.2. Why TJW?

9.3. How does the investment pay off?

10. FAQs