simple future

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simple future por Mind Map: simple future

1. Be going to

1.1. Affirmative: sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be)+ ´´going to´´ + verbo principal.

1.2. Negative: sujeto+ verbo auxiliar(to be) + ´´not´´ + ´´going to´´ + verbo principal.

1.3. Interrogative. verbo auxiliar(to be) + sujeto + ´´going to ´´ +verbo principal.

2. The future perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. it can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future

2.1. the play is going to have started by the time we get to the theater

3. structure

4. Examples

5. He is going to arrive early. - is he going to arrive early?

6. Javier is going to begin architecture school next year

7. she is going to spend his vacation in hawaii

8. ´´Be going to´´

9. I am i going to speak. - Am i going to speak?

10. We are going to be happy to see you. - Are we going to be happy to see you?

11. You will help him early.-- You will not help him early. -- Will you help him early?

12. I will play soccer. -- I won´t(will not) play soccer.-- Will you play soccer?

13. ´´Will´´

14. Will

14.1. Negative: sujeto + will + ´´not or won´t +verbo principal

14.2. Affirmative: sujeto + will + verbo principal.

14.3. Interrogative: will + sujeto + verbo principal.

15. use of ´´will´´ future

15.1. A spontaneous decision

15.2. An opinion, hope uncertainty or assumption regarding the future.

15.3. conditional clauses type I

16. use of ´´going to´´ future

16.1. You will help him early.-- You will not help him early. -- Will you help him early?

16.2. will or ´´be going to´´ express a prediction.

16.3. A conclusion regarding the inmediate future

16.4. An action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared

17. Will you not dance with me?. -- won't you dance with me?

18. Jesus Mata will be the next president

19. I will send you the information when i get it