Chapter 3 - Text

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Chapter 3 - Text por Mind Map: Chapter 3 - Text

1. Bitmap

1.1. Matrix of dots or pixels representing the image

1.2. Files size increases as more sizes are added.

1.3. Required a lot of memory

1.4. Non-scalable

2. Vector

2.1. Fonts drawing use instruction and mathematical formulae to describe each glyph

2.2. File size is much smaller than bitmaps

2.3. TrueType, OpenType and PostScript are vector formats

3. Rasterization

3.1. Process of converting text from VECTOR description to a raster or BITMAP description.

4. Hypertext

4.1. Text which contains links to other texts

4.2. The term was invented by Ted Nelson around 1965

4.3. Hypertext is the subset of hypermedia

5. Font Styles

5.1. Boldface

5.2. Italic

5.3. Underlining

5.4. Outlining

6. Font Terminology

6.1. Baseline

6.2. Cap Height

6.3. X-height

6.4. Ascenders / Descenders

6.5. Kerning

6.6. Tracking

7. Serif - little decoration at the end of a letter stroke (Printed media/documents) Sans serif -  do not have decoration a the end of a letter stroke (Headlines & Bold statements-computer display)

8. Hypermedia

8.1. Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based

8.2. It can include other media

8.2.1. Graphics

8.2.2. Images