Comparing Roles and Characteristics of Project Managers and Instructional Designers

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Comparing Roles and Characteristics of Project Managers and Instructional Designers por Mind Map: Comparing Roles and Characteristics of Project Managers and Instructional Designers

1. Project Managers

1.1. Leadership skills

1.2. Knowledge

1.2.1. Non-specific task knowledge

2. Instructional Designers

2.1. Knowledge

2.1.1. Specific task knowledge Theory Methodology Pedagogy Technology

2.2. Creativity

3. Similarities

3.1. Communication Skills

3.1.1. Articulate Writing Speech

3.2. Troubleshooting Skills

3.2.1. Risk Assessment

3.3. Problem-solving Skills

3.3.1. Risk Management

3.3.2. Makes necessary adjustments

3.4. Organizational skills

3.4.1. Timely reports

3.4.2. Quality & Phase Reviews

3.5. Facilitation

3.5.1. Procurement of materials

3.5.2. Ensure conformance to standards

3.6. Professional Attitude

3.7. Envision the Final Product

3.8. Delegation

3.8.1. Tasks

3.8.2. Resources

3.9. Planning

3.9.1. Documentation Project Plans Quality Plans

3.10. Assistance Skills

3.10.1. Project Vision

3.10.2. Objectives

3.11. Negotiation

3.12. Escalation

3.13. Management

3.13.1. Time

3.13.2. Budget

3.13.3. Compliance

3.13.4. People

3.13.5. Processes

3.13.6. Quality

3.13.7. Procurement

3.13.8. Acceptance Management