Why Brexit Happened?

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Why Brexit Happened? por Mind Map: Why Brexit Happened?

1. Complete Meltdown

1.1. Young blamed Old

1.2. Educated blamed Less Educated

1.3. Prime Minister was blamed

1.4. Racist Abuse - Made Meltdown Worse

2. Don't know our Society like we'd like to believe

3. What do we do next?

4. Did this take place over night?

5. Political Meltdown

6. Need to write ourselves back in the picture

6.1. Help us understand how we got where we are today

7. Divided Societies

7.1. Age

7.2. Education

7.3. Class

7.4. Geography

8. Brexit Represents:

8.1. Teaches about society

8.2. Highlights how divided we are

9. Leavers v.s. Remainers