video intro (rapid image flickering?)

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video intro (rapid image flickering?) por Mind Map: video intro (rapid image flickering?)

1. Begin video with interviews

1.1. ideally, video will switch from interviewee to interviewee, each answering the same question

1.1.1. using similar questions for all interviews will make for better video, as we can compare answers side by side otherwise changing up questions and editing footage to better flow

2. Start monologue

2.1. introduce ideas and perceptions of death in living

2.1.1. include rhetorical questions the audience will think about

3. Introduce expert ideas/opinions

3.1. Eben Alexander

3.2. Robert Lanza

3.3. Carl Jung

4. close with summary

4.1. draw content from previous videos

4.1.1. tying all topics together