A Map of Language Teaching and Learning

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A Map of Language Teaching and Learning por Mind Map: A Map of Language Teaching and Learning

1. Key question:Is critical pedagogy possible at Vanderbilt and in German 101

2. Language Teaching Scholarship

2.1. Wk 2 Krashen: Difference between learning and acquisition, monitor, affective filter

2.2. Wk 2 Lightbown: Learning not linear, simple to complex

2.3. Wk 2 Discussion boards: Ideas emerge as reactions to previous

2.4. Wk 3 methods are good on paper but rarely so clear in practice, influenced by historical and social issues

2.5. Wk 6

3. Professional Community

3.1. Week 1 POP: partly controlling the narrative about yourself and your professional identity

3.2. Wk 3 Podcast you and your students are the classroom, finding out that there are SLS podcasts.

3.3. Meeting Virginia Scott and other resources through guest speakers

4. Effective Teaching Practice

4.1. Week 1 Radical Importance of taking risks, Value empathy and humor over shaming and rigity, Reflect on failures (not only at end, but ongoing)

4.2. Wk 2 Krashen - How does our teaching change if we believe input, monitor, and affective filter hypothesis? A comunity of learners who are appreciated and dignified. Students do not have to produce in order to prove learning has taken place.

4.3. Wk 2 Lightbown Working in groups, pairs beneficial, authentic exposure. Input access.

4.4. Wk 3 Podcast Stop looking to materials. What do you want to talk to your students about, Primacy of approach

4.5. Wk 6-7 Good, effective input creates better student output: shift the focus from output to input (Coerrl)

4.6. Wk 7 Decontextualized words are not totally without context; decontextualized vocabulary lists are most effective when activating the L1 (Coerrl)

4.7. Wk. 7: Repeated encounters of vocabulary in various contexts are required for a learner to acquire vocabulary. (Nation, 2001)

4.8. Wk. 7: repeated low stakes testing activities can exercise retrieval strength, which in turn expands storage strength (CFT). This can be applied to vocabulary learning and retention.

4.9. Week 7: "testing" as a simple learning activity. "No-stakes" formative assessment where students could evaluate their memory of a particular subject. nice.