Cheating in sports

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Cheating in sports por Mind Map: Cheating in sports

1. Enhancement drugs

1.1. What are the types of enhancement drugs?

1.2. How do they enhance your performance?

1.3. How many athletes take these?

1.4. Do enhancement drugs really make a large difference in your play?

2. Bribing

2.1. If athletes are bribed more than they are payed for playing do they intentionally lose?

2.2. What happens to athletes that do not hold up there end when they are bribed?

2.3. Athletes are bribed by gamblers that gamble alot of money.

3. Giving college athletes nice things

3.1. People from college programs will buy them things just so they go to that college or stay there.

3.2. How do they get away with out NCAA knowing?

3.3. Where do they get the money to buy them nice cars and tattoos?