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Harming Animals por Mind Map: Harming Animals

1. Can cause you to go to jail

1.1. years

1.2. get animal cruelty charges

2. the animal didn't do anything to you for them to get abused

2.1. Don't take your anger out on animals when you are mad!

3. testing chemicals on animals

3.1. Such as soaps, lotions, perfumes, etc.

3.2. Why do they have to test them when they know they put harmful chemicals in them?

3.3. Animals and humans are two different things

4. causes for animal death

4.1. lowering the animal population

5. How  would you like to be abused when youre in a good mood and minding your own business?

5.1. Why animals???

6. by hitting or abusing animal in any harmful way

6.1. not a good thing to do!!

7. Having animals be called "labratory animals"

7.1. Why don't they test chemicals on the bad people in prison instead of the harmless animals?

8. causing the cincinatti zoo to delete twitter