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Cock Fighting por Mind Map: Cock Fighting

1. Punishments?

1.1. Prison?

1.1.1. Will you go to prison? Yes, you will defintaly go to prison for cock fighting

1.2. Ticket?

1.2.1. Will you recieve a ticket for cockfighting? You can recieve a ticket if you are setting up to get ready for cock fighting.

1.3. Death?

1.3.1. Will you be issued the death penalty for cock fighting? No you wont be put to death

2. Types of chickens used for cock fighting?

2.1. Miner Blues

2.1.1. How aggresive are miner blues? The are very aggresive

2.2. White Hackel

2.2.1. How agressive? White Hackels could be the most agressive out of all the fighting rooster breeds.

2.3. RoundHead

2.3.1. How agressive are roundheads? They are not very aggresive but they can be

3. Why do some staes have more fighting then others?

3.1. Some states in the south have more of a problem because they are in more rural areas and there is more ''country people''

3.1.1. What are some of the states? Georgia North Carolina Mississippi Kentucky Alabama Arkansas Lousiana

4. Is cock fighting good or bad?

4.1. Yes?

4.1.1. How is it bad? Roosters can die or get seriously hurt

4.2. No?

4.2.1. How is it good? You can bet and win money

5. Is cock fighting illegal?

5.1. Yes?

5.1.1. In some staes it is illegal

5.2. No?

5.2.1. It some states it used to be legal

6. Which states is cock fighting illegal in?

6.1. It is illegal in all 50 U.S states

6.1.1. It is a felony in 40 states

6.2. Why is it illegal?

6.2.1. It's illegal because it is animal cruelty