Teenage Drinking

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Teenage Drinking por Mind Map: Teenage Drinking

1. Damaging to health

1.1. Within minutes of drinking alcohol, it travels from the stomach to the brain, where it quickly produces its effects, slowing the action of nerve cells.

1.2. Short Term Effects: Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Breathing difficulties Distorted vision and hearing Impaired judgment Decreased perception and coordination Unconsciousness Anemia (loss of red blood cells) Coma Blackouts

1.3. Alcohol poisoning High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart-related diseases Liver disease Nerve damage Sexual problems Permanent damage to the brain Vitamin B1 deficiency, which can lead to a disorder characterized by amnesia, apathy and disorientation Ulcers Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls) Malnutrition Cancer of the mouth and throat

2. Damaging to mental health

2.1. Makes you more agressive

2.2. Will increase anxiety and stress rather than reduce it

2.3. Alcohol is linked to suicide, self-harm and psychosis

3. Fatal

3.1. Alcohol distorts a person’s perceptions and judgment. People under the influence of alcohol readily admit their reaction time is slower than when not drinking, and they take many chances they would never take when sober. Too often those chances are fatal.

3.2. The risk of a driver under the influence of alcohol being killed in a vehicle accident is at least eleven times that of drivers without alcohol in their system.

3.3. In the United States in 2007, the death toll from teenage drunk-driving accidents was 1,393—nearly four fatalities every day of the year.