Brain Storm Resume

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Brain Storm Resume por Mind Map: Brain Storm Resume

1. Education

1.1. San Antonio Elementary School (2004-2011)

1.2. Hopwood Jr. High School (2011-2013)

1.3. Saipan Southern Highschool (2013- Present )

2. Work Experience

2.1. Bubba Gump Restaurant

2.1.1. As a server (2016) Ensures that guest get their appetizers/entree on time Greeting guest fast and helping them find stuff they will love

2.2. Basketball Camp

2.2.1. Coaching children ages 12 and under

2.2.2. Teaching children the basics of basketball

2.3. Tutoring

2.3.1. Teaching Thai children how to speak english

2.3.2. Helping them with homework dealing with reading

3. Academic Honors

3.1. Presidential Award (2013)

4. Special Skills

4.1. Able to speak the Thai language

4.2. Varsity Athletics & National Teams

4.2.1. Miso Varsity Basketball

4.2.2. NMI National Team Soccer

4.2.3. Outrigger

4.2.4. Miso Volleyball

4.3. Typing Skills 72 WPM

5. Objective

5.1. My goal is to become associated with a company and obtain new work experiences where I could enhance my skills and find a job that best suites me.

6. Extracurricular Activites

6.1. MyWave Tourism Club (2013-2016)

6.1.1. Vice President of Fundraising

6.1.2. Sergeant at Arms

6.2. Junior Achievement (Jan-May 2016)

6.2.1. Created and sold products made from recycled materials to the public

6.2.2. Junior Achievement Champions

7. Volunteer Experience

7.1. MyWave Beach Cleanups

7.2. Joeten Kiyu Library (2013)