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BLOG por Mind Map: BLOG

1. What are the keys toward blogging success?

1.1. 1) regular updates

1.2. 2) choose an interesting topic and post a variety of attention-grabbing contents that will attract public audiences

1.3. 3) rapid feedback - readers can communicate with the blogger

1.4. 4) appealing design

1.5. 5) varied info that will satisfy needs/interests of different people

1.6. 6) creativity, originality

1.7. 7) promotion of the blogs

1.8. 8) creating community about the blog

1.9. 9) easy to understand the content, no complex data

1.10. 10) user-friendly site

1.10.1. easy functionality and using easy to read fonts

1.11. 11) avoid technical issues or  apply fast repair (if there's any issues)

1.12. 12) stay up-to-date with current news

2. What makes a blog?

2.1. 1)  Information site or webpage on internet that is regularly updated.

2.2. 2) Typically run by an individual or a small group.

2.3. 3) It's written in an informal or conversational style.

2.4. 4) A place where an individual or group can post their thoughts or opinions about certain topics of interest.

2.5. 5) A site or web page that allows users to publish an online sort of journal or diary about their daily lives

2.6. 6) Sharing of posts about your favourite movies/books/fandoms/hobbies through popular post-sharing blog websites like Tumblr
