Video Games in the classroom

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Video Games in the classroom por Mind Map: Video Games in the classroom

1. Video Games I know

1.1. Fun

1.2. Exciting

1.3. Xbox

1.4. Angry Bird

1.5. iphone

1.6. Wii

1.7. ipad

1.8. iphone

1.9. VR

1.10. LOL

1.11. Overwatch

1.12. GTA

1.13. CSGO

1.14. TROVE

1.15. RPG

1.16. MMORPG

2. Cons (points for)

2.1. Convient

2.2. Improve your attention

2.3. you can play anywhere

2.4. make more friends

2.5. more topics to talk with friends

2.6. interesting and funny

2.7. learn some vocabulary

2.8. capturing the student's attention

2.9. reduce p?

3. What can I ask my teammates?

3.1. Do you have any video games

3.2. Which types of games do you play

3.3. Why do you like these games?

4. Pros (points against)

4.1. learning through play

4.2. learn some difficult words

4.3. know some interesting and new things

4.4. learn some difficult words

4.5. bad for our eyes

4.6. maybe addictive

4.7. wasting too much time

4.8. need more money

4.9. bad for eyes

4.10. students may not do their assignment

4.11. some girls don't like it

4.12. Can't help students prepare for the exam