Emotional Disabilities

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Emotional Disabilities por Mind Map: Emotional Disabilities

1. Processing deficits

1.1. Deviation from normative emotions or behaviors; failing to perform to age-appropriate expectations

2. Behavioral

2.1. Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances

2.2. A general, pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression

2.3. Consistent in more than one setting

2.4. Behaviors affect school performance

2.5. Symptoms that are extremely serious or intense

3. Types

3.1. Externalizing behaviors

3.1.1. includes conduct disorder and other patterns of aggressive behaviors of both overt and covert varieties

3.2. Internalizing behaviors

3.2.1. anxiety, depression, and phobias.

3.3. ADHD can include both externalizing and internalizing behaviors

4. Social

4.1. Problems maintaining and forming satisfactory interpersonal relationships relationships.

4.2. Socially unacceptable behaviors

5. Academic

5.1. underachievement or learning problems

5.2. Inability to learn

5.3. Need for special education services.

5.4. Most students with ED spend 80% of time or more in general education

6. Executive functioning

6.1. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems

6.2. Vary from mild to severe based on student's responsiveness or resistance to intervention