Effects of Water on Shaping the Earth

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Effects of Water on Shaping the Earth por Mind Map: Effects of Water on Shaping the Earth

1. Erosion

1.1. creates rivers

1.2. shapes rocks

1.3. influences farming

1.4. physical weathering

1.5. moving water

1.6. gravity

2. Landforms

2.1. cuts gorges

2.2. can build plateaus

2.3. shapes rocks into formations

2.4. caves

2.5. mountains

3. Properties of Water

3.1. can dissolve matter

3.2. can carry matter

3.3. can expand upon freezing

3.4. can deposit material

4. Forms of water

4.1. Glaciers

4.2. Gas-evaporation

4.3. liquid

4.4. ice

4.5. snow