Clinical Research Coordinator

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Clinical Research Coordinator por Mind Map: Clinical Research Coordinator

1. Study Manager

2. Clinical Research Associate

3. Study Monitor

4. Regulatory Affairs Associate

5. Safety Associates

6. Biostatisticians

7. Data Safety Monitoring Board

8. Medical Writers

9. Sponsor

10. Regulatory Bodies

11. The blue lines indicate just written communication in the form of submissions and administrative forms.

12. The purple lines indicate communication that happens regularly within a certain site or sponsor either verbally or written down. These people will also communicate with others in their site but less frequently

13. Study Site

14. Investigator

15. Clinical Research Assistant

16. Data Manager

17. Research Nurse

18. Research Pharmacist

19. The red lines (communication with the CRA) and orange lines (communication with the CRC) indicate both in-person verbal communication and written communication over emails where the information is then shared with the leaders of the respective sites of the clinical trial (sponsor and study sites).

20. The green lines indicate important and critical communication between the leaders of the study and sites and the CRAs and CRCs. These are integral communication lines and can be used either verbally (over the phone or in person) or written over email or memos.