Conceptual Framework

Clinical 101

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Conceptual Framework por Mind Map: Conceptual Framework

1. Knowledge Base

1.1. Reflective

1.1.1. must be taught, understood, and implemented throughout the entire education candidate’s preparation

1.2. Constructivism

1.2.1. Knowledge is based upon personal experiences, beliefs, and pre-existing mental structures

1.2.2. Teachers facilitate learning and students must be active learners

1.3. Quality Learning Experiences

1.3.1. Candidates are exposed to a variety of experiences that prepare them to meet the needs of a diverse student population

1.4. Critical Thinking

1.4.1. Teachers must teach critical thinking skills

2. Proficiencies Aligned with Expectations

2.1. Diversity

2.1.1. Through field experience teachers will gain an understanding of and tolerance for diverse perspectives and fundamental

2.2. Technology

2.2.1. Is implemented in all areas of studies and professional growth

3. Assessment System

3.1. Pillars

3.1.1. IV- Admissions GPA, witing sample, letter of recommendation

3.1.2. V- Continuous Introduction to basic educational practices Reflection on concepts

3.1.3. VI- Exit Putting knowledge into practice as teachers

3.2. Key Assessments

3.2.1. Dispositions

3.2.2. Portfolio

3.2.3. GPA 2.5 Cumulative

3.2.4. Code of Ethics

3.2.5. Exams Praxis I & II, PLT

3.2.6. Clinicals Field experiences evaluated

4. Overview

4.1. Theme: Reflective Constructors of Quality Learning Experiences

4.1.1. Conceptual - Knowledge of concepts and ideas

4.1.2. Strategic- Intentional actions to achieve goals

4.1.3. Evalative- Develop and implement evaluations

4.1.4. Communicative- How to communicate

4.2. Developed in 1996 to prepare educatiors

5. Vision and Mission

5.1. To prepare teachers for the future by provided academic and meaningful experiences

6. Philosophy, Purpose, and Goals

6.1. Effective teachers possess 4 key dispositions

6.1.1. Caring

6.1.2. Strong work ethic

6.1.3. Critical and Creative Thinking

6.1.4. Commitment to Excellence and Professional Integrity