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Bias por Mind Map: Bias

1. Selective Bias

1.1. Can cause us to pay more attention to something consistent with our viewpoints

1.2. Can cause us to not notice other information

2. Explicit Bias

2.1. Attitude or belief

2.2. Takes place in our conscious thoughts

2.3. Example: I like dogs better than cats

3. The tendency to think that something, someone, or some idea is inherently better than something, someone, or some other idea

3.1. Influences the way we interact with the world around us

3.2. Acquired over a lifetime

3.2.1. Experiences

3.2.2. What you hear

3.2.3. Where you live

3.2.4. Your identity

4. Can be overcome

4.1. Become aware of your bias

4.2. Seek information that challenges your unconscious beliefs

4.3. Expose yourself to new experiences that broaden your perspective

5. Confirmation Bias

5.1. Subconscious tendency

5.2. Seek information that agrees with our bias

5.3. Term coined by English Psychologist Peter Wason

5.4. Affirms our bias

5.5. Feeds off of our implicit bias

6. Implicit Bias

6.1. Attitude or belief

6.2. Takes place outside of our conscious thoughts

6.3. Develops over a lifetime