Life Plan

Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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Life Plan por Mind Map: Life Plan

1. Business Goals

1.1. Open a performance facility for youth

2. Family Goals

2.1. Spend more time with family

2.2. give back to my parents

2.3. take care of my family

3. Short term goals

3.1. completing fall with a 3.0

3.2. Going to a bowl game

4. Long term goals

4.1. Successful NFL Career

4.2. Sports Broadcasting

4.3. Athletic Training for kids

5. Hobbies

5.1. Working out

5.2. Hanging out with freinds

5.3. Down time

6. Football

6.1. Have a great senior season

6.2. Have a great Pro day

6.3. NFL Opportunities