Media Convergence & Participatory Culture

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Media Convergence & Participatory Culture por Mind Map: Media Convergence & Participatory Culture

1. Change in Technology Over Past 15 Years

1.1. Cell Phone Use

1.1.1. Used to pay for minutes and using the internet

1.1.2. Now, we have unlimited talk, text, data; don't pay for internet on our phones anymore because we have wifi

1.2. An Effect on Socializing

1.2.1. Even when people are hanging out, we are always using our phones

1.3. Computers and PCs

1.3.1. Windows XP released

1.3.2. Mac OS X released

1.3.3. From giant external hard drives and computers the size of televisions to notebook-style touch screen laptops

2. Social Media

2.1. Snap Chat

2.1.1. "remix culture", editing pictures as a creative outlet

2.2. Instagram

2.2.1. liking and posting photos and videos, Snapchat feature of posting your own story

2.3. Facebook

2.3.1. posting and sharing pictures, videos, etc for others to see; communication with family and friends from all over the world

2.4. Twitter

2.4.1. tweeting, retweeting, favorites; global communication and updates from politicians, celebrities, etc

2.5. YouTube

2.5.1. People post videos and express their views, express their creativity, and, to a greater extent, help spread awareness to causes (through famous faces on the site).

3. Surveillance

3.1. WorldStar Hip Hop, Facebook, YouTube

3.1.1. Recorded and posted on the internet: Fights, parents disciplining their child, people calling it "child abuse," police brutality

3.2. watching what others post online, "Facebook stalking"; catfishing

3.3. political correctness, censorship, freedom of speech

3.3.1. In this day and age, some parents constrict their children of internet use, preventing them from accessing social media for safety's sake, and protecting their privacy from the outside world

3.3.2. At the same time, social media allows anybody to say absolutely whatever they want, which could in turn either help others in need, or destroy someone's life, depending on what they post.