Health, Wellness. and Fitness

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Health, Wellness. and Fitness por Mind Map: Health, Wellness. and Fitness

1. Support Group

1.1. Family

1.2. Friends

1.3. Coworkers

1.4. Personal Trainer

1.5. Boyfriend/Girlfriend

2. Life Style

2.1. Eating Healthy

2.1.1. 4 Food Groups Dairy Meat Fruit and vegetables Bread and Cereals

2.2. Making new friends

3. Control

3.1. Set goals

3.1.1. Time frame

3.1.2. measurable

3.1.3. Realistic

3.2. Motivation

3.2.1. Role Model

3.3. Change bad habits

4. Be happy with yourself

5. Exercise

5.1. Physical actvity

5.1.1. Basketball

5.1.2. Soccer

5.1.3. Swimming

5.1.4. Walking

5.2. Gym workout

5.3. Zumba

5.4. Kickboxing

6. Wellness

6.1. Emotional

6.1.1. Dealing with interpersonal issues

6.2. Financial

6.2.1. balancing accounts

6.3. Spiritual