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BrazilFoundation por Mind Map: BrazilFoundation

1. Stats

1.1. In 10 years BrazilFoundation has raised over $17 million dollars and supported more than 300 social projects in Brazil in the areas of Education, Health, Culture, Participatory Development and Human Rights.

2. Introduction

2.1. Reason

2.1.1. 1.Help fight Brazil's bad economy

2.1.2. 2.They spread word about Brazil's current condition

2.1.3. 3. They will help out with Brazil's infrastructer

2.2. Thesis

2.2.1. The reason you should donate to BrazilFoundation is because reasons 1. 2. and 3.

3. Conclusion

3.1. Thank you for listing to my speech and please donate to BrazilFoundation

4. Persuasive techniques


4.1.1. cia said it was very bad

4.2. repetition

4.2.1. BrazilFoundation

4.3. questions

4.3.1. Do you know Brazil's murder rate?

4.4. Facts and Stats

4.4.1. top 20 in homicides in the world

5. Mission

5.1. BrazilFoundation was established in 2000 with the goal of generating resources for social entrepreneurs who propose creative and innovative solutions to challenges faced by communities throughout Brazil. In 10 years BrazilFoundation has raised over $17 million dollars and supported more than 300 social projects in Brazil in the areas of Education, Health, Culture, Participatory Development and Human Rights. We provide project grantees with financial support while stimulating local advocacy and promoting access to goods and services, empowering communities to take responsibility for their own development.

6. Body Paragraphs

6.1. First, you need to donate to BrazilFoundation because they help fight Brazil's bad economy.

6.2. Second,crime

6.3. Third, infrastructure

7. Creative Element of speech

7.1. Candy