Educational Tech

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Educational Tech por Mind Map: Educational Tech

1. Laptops

1.1. Do they belong in the class or the lab?

1.2. Do we teach safe web practice?

2. iPads

2.1. educational Apps

2.2. reward based training

3. Cell Phones

3.1. Do they belong in the classroom?

4. Twitter Chat

4.1. online brainstorming

4.1.1. global meetings

5. Diigo:

6. White Board:

6.1. interactive

6.1.1. video highlighter projector

7. Apps

7.1. Hungry Fish: Math

7.2. Mal Math

7.3. Multiplication Frenzy

7.4. Reading Friendzy

7.5. ABC

7.6. Art: Art Studio

7.6.1. drawing compositing

8. Quizlet:

8.1. Make your own study materials

8.1.1. Quiz

8.1.2. Match games

8.1.3. Flashcards

8.1.4. Spelling